北航卡尔曼滤波与组合导航 第三次作业 SINS/GPS组合动态实验我要分享

SINS / GPS integrated dynamic experiment of the third operation of Kalman filter and integrated navi

北航 卡尔曼滤波 组合导航 第三次作业

关注次数: 985

下载次数: 31

文件大小: 16.2M

代码分类: 仿真计算

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 3积分




北航卡尔曼滤波与组合导航 第三次作业 SINS/GPS组合动态实验 作业说明: 1. “IMU.dat”文件为原始惯导数据,其中,第1列为序号,第2列为UTC时间(单位:ms),第3~5列是X、Y、Z方向陀螺输出的角速率(单位°/h),第6~8列是X、Y、Z方向加速度计输出的比力(g,重力加速度); 2. “GPS.dat”文件为GPS数据,其中,第1列为序号,第2列为UTC时间(单位:ms),第3、4列分别是纬度、经度(单位:°),第5列是高度(单位:m),第6~8列是东向、北向和天向的速度(单位:m/s); 

English Description:

SINS / GPS integrated dynamic experiment for the third operation of Kalman filter and integrated navigation of China Northern Airlines: 1 “ IMU.dat ”The file is the original inertial navigation data, in which the first column is the serial number, the second column is UTC time (unit: ms), the third to fifth columns are the angular rate of gyro output in X, y and Z directions (unit: ° / h), and the sixth to eighth columns are the specific force (g, gravity acceleration) output by accelerometer in X, y and Z directions; 2 “ GPS.dat ”The file is GPS data, in which the first column is serial number, the second column is UTC time (unit: ms), the third and fourth columns are latitude and longitude (unit: degrees), the fifth column is altitude (unit: m), and the sixth to eighth columns are East, North and sky speed (unit: M / s); 3 The initial attitude of IMU is as follows: heading angle = 303.10881 degrees (North by East counter clockwise is positive), pitch angle = 0.25516 degrees, roll angle = 1.76037 degrees; 4. Original INS data rate is 100Hz; GPS data rate is 20Hz; 5. INS data and GPS data are aligned according to UTC time, and then integrated filtering is performed at the aligned time point; 6. Filtering parameter setting:  1 Gyro constant drift: 0.1 DEG / h; accelerometer constant offset: 50ug;  GPS position measurement error: horizontal 0.1M, vertical 0.15m; velocity measurement error: 0.01m/s; operation requirements: 1. SINS / GPS integrated navigation solution, source program and corresponding notes (navigation coordinate system is northeast geographic coordinate system); 2; 2. The position, velocity and attitude data of SINS / GPS integrated navigation are drawn and output, and compared with GPS data, and the enlarged picture (three-dimensional position and three-dimensional velocity) of the comparison between the integrated navigation results and GPS results in a moving state and in a certain period of time is given; 3. The pure inertial navigation plane trajectory, GPS navigation plane trajectory and SINS / GPS Integrated Navigation plane trajectory are drawn in the same image for comparison; 4. The change of diagonal elements of state estimation matrix P is given and analyzed to explain the physical meaning;







