说明:【2010 MCM B题特等奖论文】Tracking Serial Criminals with a Road Metric
说明:Methods to undo the effects of motion blur are the subject of intense research, but evaluating and tuning these algorithms has traditionally required ...
matlab SIGAsiaANoReferenceMetricforEvalu atingtheQualityofMotionDeblurring
说明:This fold contains the source files to reproduce the results presented in Reference: "A Feature-Enriched Completely Blind Image Quality Evaluator," IE...
说明:基于local ternary pattern feature 和 distance transform-based similarity metric 相结合的人脸方法识别技术研究
pattern-recognition ltp distance-transform Ternary-pattern local-ternary
说明:FMI 计算提出了功能相互信息 (FMI),融合算法的非参考性能度量: 工商管理硕士 Haghighat A.Aghagolzadeh H.Seyedarabi,"非参考图像融合度量基础上互信息的图像特征,"计算机和电气工程第 37 卷,第 5 页 744-756,2011 年 9 月。http:/...
说明:邻域击退度量学习 (NRML & MNRML) 的亲属关系验证码。 从人脸图像的亲属核查是有趣和具有挑战性的问题,在计算机视觉中,和有非常有限的尝试解决这一问题在文献中。在此代码中,他们提出了一个新邻居击退亲属核查度量学习 (NRML) 方法。