中文说明:邻域击退度量学习 (NRML & MNRML) 的亲属关系验证码。 从人脸图像的亲属核查是有趣和具有挑战性的问题,在计算机视觉中,和有非常有限的尝试解决这一问题在文献中。在此代码中,他们提出了一个新邻居击退亲属核查度量学习 (NRML) 方法。
English Description:
Neighborhood Repulsed Metric Learning for Kinship Verification (NRML & MNRML) codes . Kinship verification from facial images is an interesting and challenging problem in computer vision, and there are very limited attempts on tackle this problem in the literature. In this code, they propose a new neighborhood repulsed metric learning (NRML) method for kinship verification.