地理参考地图在ARC-INFO GIS中数字化我要分享

Digitization of geo referenced map in arc-info GIS

地理 地图 ARC-INFO GIS 数字化

关注次数: 301

下载次数: 0

文件大小: 67KB

代码分类: 一般算法

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 1积分




从国家海岸带管理部门收集了1:25000和1:50000比例尺的matlab海岸土地利用/土地覆盖图和海岸管制区图,并将其放大为1:12500比例尺。地理参考地图在ARC-INFO GIS中数字化。对数字化地图进行了编辑、标记,并准备了布局图。不同生态重要区域的面积统计数据已生成并显示在地图中。

English Description:

Matlab coastal land use / land cover map and coastal control area map at the scale of 1:25000 and 1:50000 were collected from the national coastal zone management department and enlarged to the scale of 1:12500. Geo referenced maps are digitized in arc-info GIS. The digitized map was edited, marked, and the layout was prepared. Area statistics of different ecologically important areas have been generated and displayed in the map
