
PID neural network

PID 神经元 网络

关注次数: 371

下载次数: 2

文件大小: 14KB

代码分类: 智能算法

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 1积分





English Description:

The control of complex systems with multivariable input, output, multi disturbance, nonlinearity and strong coupling is a difficult problem. The commonly used controllers may be difficult to control the system because of the multivariable coupling problem. PID neural network is a kind of multi-layer forward neural network. The number of neurons, connection mode and connection weight of each layer are determined according to the existing principles and experience of PID control law. It is a dynamic forward neural network in line with the control system. However, due to the random value of the initial weights of PID network, the effect of each control is different, and the control effect is relatively poor in individual cases. This case studies the PID neuron based multivariable coupling system control, and uses PSO algorithm to optimize the controller to achieve better control effect








