说明:一个在matlab环境下编写的采用expectation maximization方法计算高斯混合模型的程序。
说明:TPami上的Principal Component Analysis Based on L1-Norm Maximization的源代码,我是向作者要的。
说明:PRML读书会第九章 Mixture Models and EM(Kmeans;混合高斯模型以及EM(Expectation Maximization)算法;一
说明:面向微博的情感影响最大化模型_欧高炎_陈薇_王腾蛟_雷凯_杨冬青 (1)
blobworld-matlab blobworld-matl blob Blobworld.rar blobworld
说明:Mixture of linear regressors. The routines contained in this file allow inference and learning of a mixture of linear-Gaussian regression models. Lear...
说明:Linear dynamical system. This set of functions performs inference and learning of a linear Kalman filter model. Inference is carried out via forward-b...