

​蚁群算法 优化算法 信息素 栅格 粒子群算法 机器人

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代码分类: 智能算法

开发平台: matlab

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English Description:

... description: ant colony algorithm is a kind of simulation ant colony foraging optimization algorithm.Spread throughout the foraging ants pheromone, ants through perceived by many to decide to choose the next grid.Ant colony algorithm is a core part of the transfer probability of ant colony is simulated choice behavior, through the use of pheromone and heuristic function value transition probability calculation.粒子群算法可以用于机器人运动轨迹规划,求得最短路径(Ant colony algorithm is an optimization algorithm to simulate foraging behavior of ant colony.The ant disperses pheromones throughout the foraging process. The ant senses how many pheromones it has to choose the next grid.The core part of ant colony algorithm is to simulate the transfer probability selection behavior of ant colony and calculate the transfer probability by using pheromones and heuristic function values.Particle swarm optimization (pso) can be used for robot trajectory planning to obtain the shortest path.
