
Complete multi objective genetic algorithm process

算法 程序 目标 遗传 完整 处理

关注次数: 181

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文件大小: 6.56 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分



中文说明: 基于负熵最大的独立分量分析,加入重复控制,雅克比迭代求解线性方程组课设,中介真值程度度量,基于中介真值程度度量的图像分割这个有中文注释,看得明白,预报误差法参数辨识-松弛的思想。

English Description:

Independent component analysis based on maximum negentropy, adding repetitive control, Jacques set than the iterative solution of linear systems of equations, medium truth scale measurement, image segmentation based on measure of medium truth scale the Chinese comments, understand it, and parameter identification of prediction error method-loose ideas.
