能量检测法是一种比较简单的信号检测方法[1], 属于信号的非相干的检测, 直接对时域信号采样值求模,然后平方即可得到;或利用FFT转换到频域,然后对频域信号求模平方也可得到。它无需知道检测信号的任何先验知识,对信号类型也不作限制。 实际上,能量检测是在一定频带范围内作能量积累,如果积累的能量高于一 定的门限,则说明信号的存在;如果低于一定的门限,则说明仅有噪声。能量检 测的出发点是信号加噪声的能量大于噪声的能量。能量检测方法对信号没有作任何假设,是一种盲检算法。 此代码“利用FFT转换到频域,然后对频域信号求模平方”方法来实现对用户的检测。
English Description:
The energy detection method is a relatively simple signal detection method [1], which belongs to the non coherent detection of signals. It can directly calculate the modulus of the time-domain signal sampling value, and then square it; Or FFT can be used to transform to frequency domain, and then the modulus square of frequency domain signal can also be obtained. It does not need to know any prior knowledge of the detected signal, and does not limit the type of signal.