基于 Swerling目标模型的雷达信号检测我要分享

Radar signal detection based on Swerling target model

虚警概率 信噪比 雷达 信号检测 高斯白噪声

关注次数: 841

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文件大小: 2KB

代码分类: 信号处理

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 6积分




产生不同类型的目标模型数据,按照虚警概率要求,对不同信噪比时的检测性能进行仿真。 设雷达为平方律检波,检波后进行 10 个脉冲的非相参积累然后进行信号检测。要求产生 Swerling0~IV 型目标信号,设噪声为高斯白噪声,要求对信噪比 SNR [-10dB:1dB:10dB]变化范围内分别进行至少 10 的 5 次方次蒙特卡洛仿真,虚警概率为 10-6。根据仿真结果画出检测性能曲线(横坐标为 SNR,信噪比按照 1dB 为步长而变化,纵坐标为检测概Pd)。

English Description:

Different types of target model data are generated. According to the requirements of false alarm probability, the detection performance of different SNR is simulated. The radar is set as square law detection, after detection, 10 pulses are accumulated incoherently, and then the signal is detected. It is required to generate Swerling 0 ~ IV target signal, set the noise as Gaussian white noise, and conduct at least 10 quintic power Monte Carlo simulation within the SNR [- 10dB: 1dB: 10dB], with the false alarm probability of 10-6. According to the simulation results, the detection performance curve is drawn (the abscissa is SNR, the signal-to-noise ratio changes according to 1dB step, and the ordinate is PD)


