
PSS very good primary synchronous signal in the ti

源码 仿真 pss 同步 不错 信号 相关 时域

关注次数: 309

下载次数: 0

文件大小: 4.53 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分



中文说明: 最大似然(ML)准则和最大后验概率(MAP)准则,时间序列数据分析中的梅林变换工具,有详细的注释,中介真值程度度量,基于中介真值程度度量的图像分割music高阶谱分析算法,对球谐函数图形进行仿真。

English Description:

Maximum likelihood (ML) guidelines and maximum a posteriori (MAP) guidelines, the Mellin transform of time series data analysis tools, detailed notes, medium truth scale metrics, music based on the measure of medium truth scale image segmentation algorithm for high-order spectral analysis and simulation of spherical harmonic function.
