
An improved genetic algorithm to solve TSP problem

算法 tsp 遗传 改进 问题 解决

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文件大小: 10.20 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

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English Description:

TSP is a typical combinatorial optimization problems, is also a NP problem is often difficult to accurately calculate the optimal solution, thus identifying effective approximation algorithm has important significance. In view of basic genetic algorithm in solving TSP problem the convergence is slow, easy "precocious" problem, an improved crossover operator and update strategy based on similarity of populations. Improved crossover operator is by comparing the distance between the two cities for the Exchange city number, thus accelerating the speed of convergence, based on the similarity of species updated strategy late in the algorithm can prevent premature, by instance 144 test proved that the algorithm has made good results on to solve the problem.
