
Self organizing maps

matlab 地图 组织

关注次数: 368

下载次数: 1

文件大小: 300.58 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分



中文说明: 自组织映射 (SOM: 自组织,2001年) 是适应规律使用无监督的学习的输入数据中的神经网络。学与 SOM 的陈述有有趣的拓扑性质,即输入模式,类似的事实被编码的 SOM 都在附近的地区。 Matlab执行功能接受字段和两个应用程序有关的视觉字词识别的礼物: 学习字母表示法从视网膜图像 (在./code/RetinalImageToLetters中运行main.m ) 学习分词法表示形式从信件 (运行在./code/LettersToSubLexicalUnits的main.m )

English Description:

Self-Organizing Maps (SOM: Kohonen, 2001) are neural networks that adapt to regularities in input data using unsupervised learning. Representations learned with SOM have interesting topological properties, namely the fact that input patterns that are similar are coded on regions of the SOM that are nearby. The Matlab implementation features receptive fields, and presents two applications related to visual word recognition: Learning letter representations from retinal images (run main.m in ./code/RetinalImageToLetters) Learning sub-lexical representations from letters (run main.m in ./code/LettersToSubLexicalUnits)
