中文说明:[教材书籍] 【全网首发】《数学分析、应用数学的基本理论与习题》(苏)叶菲莫夫,...
English Description:
[teaching materials and books] [first published on the Internet] "basic theories and exercises of mathematical analysis and Applied Mathematics" (Su) yefemov[teaching materials and books] [first published on the Internet] "basic theories and exercises of ma
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中文说明:[教材书籍] 【全网首发】《数学分析、应用数学的基本理论与习题》(苏)叶菲莫夫,...
English Description:
[teaching materials and books] [first published on the Internet] "basic theories and exercises of mathematical analysis and Applied Mathematics" (Su) yefemov《数学分析、应用数学的基本理论与习题》(苏)叶菲莫夫,(苏)吉米多维奇著;程子元.pdf