《数学经济学学报》Journal of Mathematical Economics Vol 35-Vol 49我要分享

Journal of mathematical economics Vol 35-vol 49


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中文说明:《数学经济学学报》Journal of Mathematical Economics Vol 35-Vol 49

English Description:

Journal of mathematical economics Vol 35-vol 49


Null players

Impatience implication of weakly Paretian orders; Existence and genericity.pdf

A necessary and sufficient condition for an NTU fuzzy game to have a non-empty f.pdf

Probability matching and reinforcement learning.pdf

Necessary and possible preference structures.pdf

Vol 48 (2012).zip

Vol 43 (2007).zip

Vol 45 (2009).zip

Vol 39 (2003).zip


Two-sided communication in competing mechanism games.pdf

Vol 46 (2010).zip

From revealed preference to preference revelation.pdf

Expected utility without continuity; A comment on Delbaen et al. (2011).pdf

Vol 40 (2004).zip

Indifference pricing with uncertainty averse preferences.pdf

When Ross meets Bell; The linex utility function.pdf

A reference-dependent representation with subjective tastes.pdf

Vol 35-36 (2001).zip

Edgeworth rejective core and dividends equilibria of satiated exchange economies.pdf

The first-order approach when the cost of effort is money.pdf

Rebates in a Bertrand game.pdf

A necessary and sufficient condition for the positivity of the growth rate in th.pdf

Robust efficiency in mixed economies with asymmetric information.pdf

The ex ante alpha-core for normal form games with uncertainty.pdf

Representation of non-transferable utility games by coalition production economies.pdf

Vol 41 (2005).zip

Optimal auctions with multidimensional types and the desirability of exclusion.pdf


Vol 47 (2011).zip

Vol 35-49 (2001-2013) 文章列表.txt

Vol 42 (2006).zip

Vol 37-38 (2002).zip

Vol 44 (2008).zip

Measuring utility from demand.pdf