说明:mehod of interpolation by bilinear,bicubic method,local histrogram,root mean square error,image negative
interpolation-error interpolation Bicubic root-music bilinear-matlab
说明:产生一个10000位的bipolar信号并画出bit error performance的模拟图像,求出BER。
说明:Adaptive filter 三种演算法RLS,LNS sign error LMS-three RLS algorithm. LNS sign error LMS
说明:Adaptive filter 三种演算法RLS,LNS sign error LMS-three RLS algorithm. LNS sign error LMS
说明:Adaptive filter 三种演算法RLS,LNS sign error LMS-three RLS algorithm. LNS sign error LMS
说明:minimum mean brightness error bi-histogram equalization method MMBEBHE for image enhancement
说明:compute the root-mean-square error
说明:这是可以画阴影error bar的matlab程序,对连续比较是非常有作用的,源码也可以在matlab官网中搜到。
说明:tes error ripple for mimo ofdm for using ZF and VBLAST detection
说明:Probability of error of 4-DPSK system with differential phase coherent receiver.