说明:你好。toi se cung cap cho cac ban mot de tai ve ky thuat phan tap thu trong村阿宝国美ca代码va bao cao luan范海伊旺卡班森诺。。。
说明:c niub de he n yamadie fadfsa dfsaf asdf asdf asfd asdf asdfsaffffffffffffffffffsadfsafas dsaf sadf afdsa das fasf
说明:该程序实现了基于小波模极大值,阈值去噪算法,并比较了各种方法的去噪效果。-The program achieved a de-noising based on wavelet modulus maxima algorithm, and effectively removes the signal i...
说明:说明小波消噪的理论,阈值估算和提取,给出在MATLAB下阈值估算和消噪的函数,并在语音信号处理中增强语音。-Explain the theory of wavelet denoising, threshold estimation and extraction, are given in the M...
说明:This is the source code to SEEDS superpixelsThis is the source code to SEEDS superpixels, as described in M. Van den Bergh, X. Boix, G. Roig, B. de Ca...
说明:小波去噪算法,改进阈值法去噪 Wavelet denoising algorithm, the improved de-noising threshold method
说明:matlab编写的扫雷的仿真游戏 可实现基本的游戏功能 对初学MATLAN者来说是一个不错的练手小例程-matlab simulation game written in de-mining can realize the basic set of gaming features for ...
说明:相控阵雷达数字去斜仿真,发射信号和回波信号,混频滤波信号,正交解调,滤波器设计 使用带通滤波器,二次时延;两个目标。