This is the source code to SEEDS superpixels我要分享

This is the source code to SEEDS superpixels

关注次数: 255

下载次数: 1

文件大小: 42.52 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分



中文说明: This is the source code to SEEDS superpixelsThis is the source code to SEEDS superpixels, as described in M. Van den Bergh, X. Boix, G. Roig, B. de Capitani and L. Van Gool, "SEEDS: Superpixels Extracted via Energy-Driven Sampling", ECCV 2012. The SEEDS class is defined in seeds.h and seeds2.cpp. The method can be run on an RGB image (stored in an UINT* array) by using the following constructor, initialization and iteration methods:  SEEDS(int width, int height, int nr_channels, int nr_bins, int min_size);  void initialize(UINT* image, int seeds_w, int seeds_h, int nr_levels);  void iterate(); The initial size of the superpixels is independent from the image size, and defined by the following 3 parameters: , and . The first two define the minimum block size in the SEEDS algorithm. The defines the number of times this block size is doubled to

English Description:

This is the source code to SEEDS superpixelsThis is the source code to SEEDS superpixels, as described in M. Van den Bergh, X. Boix, G. Roig, B. de Capitani and L. Van Gool, "SEEDS: Superpixels Extracted via Energy-Driven Sampling", ECCV 2012.

