说明:this fuction make a roc curve
roc-curve-matlab roc--image-matlab roc roc-curve ROC--Biometric
说明:DET Curve and EER computation
说明:curve matching tool关于曲线匹配的一些程序
说明:Origin 拟合曲线教程---Curve Fitting Functions
说明:points on elliptic curve, for ecc (elliptic curve cryptosystem)... point addition point multiplication-points on elliptic curve, for ecc (elliptic cur...
说明:计算三维模型检索结果的PR曲线(precision recall curve)
recall-计算 precision-matlab precision-recall recall_precision PR_curve
说明:point multiplication of elliptic curve over galois field
说明:介绍怎样利用matlab对曲线进行拟合的文章,实用性很高-Introduce how to make use of matlab curve fitting of the article, practical, high