说明:use TV and harmonic method to Inpainting
inpainting-harmonic inpainting--matlab inpainting harmonic inpaint
说明:interface between GAMS and matlab software.usefull for power system programming
说明:pmsg wind inverter and boost converter
说明:MLP and GA forDiabetesClassification
说明:d-statcom for sag and swell correction
说明:GMM - This code run very well and it has Demo
说明:DYNAMIC VOLTAGE RESTORER (DVR) with fault on source side and load side
DVR-fault SULtLOAD load-voltage voltage-restorer dynamic-load
说明:DET Curve and EER computation
说明:The matlab codes for adaptive filtration and echo-cancelleration, codes using LMS, RLS, DFT, Subband filtration.
subband-lms rls-dft Subband--adaptive dft-lms LMS-matlab-codes
说明:BLDC Motor driver position and speed control. command through .m file
BLDC-Motor-Speed Command-Control BLDC-position BLDC speed-control-bldc