说明:Analyze the performance of cooperative networks taking the path-loss as a parameter for selecting the relays.
For-The-Taking BER-distance Distance-Relays path-loss cooperative-networks
说明:RBFMIP is a package for training multi-instance RBF neural networks
说明:【2017年美赛B题参考资料】Modeling private highways in networks with entry–ex...
说明:可视化理解卷积网络Visualizing and Understanding Convolutional Networks
说明:Supervised Sequence Labelling with Recurrent Neural Networks
说明:PRML读书会第五章 Neural Networks(神经网络、BP误差后向传播链式求导法则、正则化、卷积网络)
说明:Bayesian Networks in R
说明:Static, Dynamic, and Hybrid Neural Networks in Forecasting Inflation_10000327793
说明:A Doubly Dynamic Schedule-based Assignment Model for Transit Networks