说明:Recommendations for a privacy impact assessment framework for the European Union
说明:Recommendations for a privacy impact assessment framework for the European Union
说明:美赛范文a convenient truth a model for sea level rise fore
说明:PRML读书会第三章 Linear Models for Regression(线性基函数模型、正则化方法、贝叶斯线性回归等)
说明:this is matlab code for bic (bayesian information criterion)
bic-bayesian BIC-matlab BIC BIC-criterion matlab-code-for-BIC
说明:SPSA for design of an attentional strategy
说明:Sliding mode control strategy for DFIG
dfig-sliding-mode sliding-mode Sliding-DFIG sliding DFIG-MODE
说明:It is mainly used for ARQ simulation ,such as stop-and-wait
wait-and-stop Wait-for-It matlab-wait ARQ--matlab stop-and-wait-ARQ
说明:Analyze the performance of cooperative networks taking the path-loss as a parameter for selecting the relays.
For-The-Taking BER-distance Distance-Relays path-loss cooperative-networks