说明:Impulse Noise Removal through Fuzzy Logic is implemented in matlab, Review paper is also there and ppt.
paper-fuzzy-matlab impulse fuzzy-logic fuzzy-logic-with fuzzy
说明:matlab code to generate various type of noise- poisson, gaussian, impulse noise.
gaussian-noise gaussian--matlab Impulse-noise noise-matlab-code poisson
说明:In this program, several statistical fading channel simulators using the Sum-of-Sinusoids (SoS)has been implemented.A Rayleigh fading channel impulse ...
说明:realize overlapped-add method %[y]=overlpadd(x,h,Nfft) %y:output sequence %x:input sequence %h:filter impulse response sequence %Nfft:poin...
说明:%realize overlapped-save method %y:output sequence %x:input seqence %h:filter impulse response sequence %N:length of each segment %重叠保留法实现...
说明:FIR(Finite Impulse Response)滤波器:有限长单位冲激响应滤波器,又称为非递归型滤波器,是数字信号处理系统中最基本的器件,它可以在保证任意幅频特性的同时具有严格的线性相频特性,同时其单位抽样响应是有限长的,因而滤波器是稳定的系统。因此,FIR滤波器在通信、图像处理、模式识别等...