说明:用编写的集机器人设计、分析、仿真与一体的软件,非常有工程使用价值,完全可用!-prepared with the set robot design, analysis, simulation and integration software, it works very useful and it ...
说明:用Matlab软件以及雅克比迭代和高斯-赛德尔迭代解方程组Ax=b,分析、比较其结果-using Matlab software and the iterative and Jacques than Gauss- Seidel iterative solution equations Ax = b,...
说明:大气模型计算,本软件可实现计算不同高度的密度、气压等参数。-Atmospheric model calculations, the software can realize a high degree of different density, pressure and other paramete...
说明:Windows系统OEM信息设置工具,本软件用于重装系统导致OEM信息丢失的还原。-Windows System OEM information set tool for reinstalling the software system OEM information leading to the ...