说明:用MATLAB实现的图书馆索书号文字图像分割源代码,已调试好可直接使用。-The library call number with the MATLAB language to achieve image segmentation source code, has a good debugger c...
说明:matlab函数列表以及功能说明,非常实用-matlab function lists, and feature descriptions, very useful
说明:介绍了如何利用Matlab的代码生成功能将Simulink模型转换成目标语言模型的方法-The way that how to use the capability of Matlab in code generation to convert the mode1s constructed by S...
说明:荷兰Delft大学开发的insar(干涉合成孔径雷达)图像处理部分源代码,用matlab编写的。-Netherlands Delft University developed insar (interferometric synthetic aperture radar) image process...
说明:matlab的图像处理,包括直方图,图像变换,模 板(空域滤波图象增强和边缘检测算子的应用)-Matlab image processing, including the histogram, image transformation, templates (spatial filter image...