
Example running steps


关注次数: 260

下载次数: 1

文件大小: 1564KB

代码分类: 一般算法

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 1积分




例题运行步骤:在Matlab命令窗口将本章目录置于当前目录;在Matlab命令窗口的当前目录中打开本章目录中的M文件Exam.m;在Exam.m文件中,将待运行例题前的注释符号“ ”去掉,并保留其他例题前的注释符号“ ”;在命令窗口键入:Exam 并回车即可运行该例题。

English Description:

Example operation steps: put the directory of this chapter in the current directory in the matlab command window; In the current directory of matlab command window, open the m file exam. In the directory of this chapter m; In exam M file, remove the annotation symbol "" before the example to be run, and retain the annotation symbol "" before other examples; Type: exam in the command window and press enter to run the example
