近10年来的大量研究充分肯定了自主神经活动与心血 管疾病死亡率特别是猝死率之间的关系。同时也公认心率变 异(HRV)是判断自主神经活动的最好的定量指标
English Description:
A large number of studies in recent 10 years have fully affirmed the relationship between autonomic nerve activity and heart blood
Heart rate variability (HRV) is the best quantitative index to judge autonomic nerve activity
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近10年来的大量研究充分肯定了自主神经活动与心血 管疾病死亡率特别是猝死率之间的关系。同时也公认心率变 异(HRV)是判断自主神经活动的最好的定量指标
English Description:
A large number of studies in recent 10 years have fully affirmed the relationship between autonomic nerve activity and heart blood