
Transposition encryption technique

matlab 加密 技术 换位

关注次数: 236

下载次数: 0

文件大小: 38.25 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分




English Description:

Transposition cipher is the pure text message of cipher, which can reach agreement between sender and receiver through some method. In this paper, we study the transformation, affine and substitution of mono alphabetic transposition ciphers. The letter of the mono alphabetic password is changed by creating a new letter (password letter) and assigning a new letter. In transposition password, there is no creation of new alphabet of letters in plaintext, just rearrange some fashion. In simple columnar interchange, the information is written in fixed and horizontally agreed number of columns, and then the description of the letter column proceeds from left to right.
