
Feature Extraction MFCC method

matlab mfcc 提取 参数 方法 特征

关注次数: 189

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文件大小: 1.92 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分




English Description:

this code may help you in order to apply feature extraction method. Generates a set of MFCCs; these are obtained from a band-based frequency representation (using the Mel scale by default), and then a discrete cosine transform (DCT). The DCT is an efficient approximation for principal components analysis, so that it allows a compression, or reduction of dimensionality, of the data, in this case reducing 42 band readings to a smaller set of MFCCs. A small number of features (the coefficients) end up describing the spectrum. The MFCCs are commonly used as timbral descriptors. Output values
