
Matlab common mathematical functions and toolbox

​MATLAB 数学函数 工具箱

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代码分类: 一般算法

开发平台: matlab

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MATLAB 拥有大量的常用数学函数、工具箱,基本包括了现今数学、物理及工程应用领域的 常用函数,如能熟练掌握,无论在编程时间或程序量上,都远远低于Fortran、C 等高级语言,尤其在 处理矩阵和向量计算方面更具有无可比拟的优势。 我们在数学建模竞赛中,由于只有短短的三到四天,而论文的评判不仅注重计算的结果更注重模型 的创造性,比赛中把大量的时间花费在编写和调试程序上只会喧宾夺主,这是不值得的,这时使用 MATLAB 可以很大程度上的方便计算、节省时间,使我们将精力更多的放在模型的完善上,所以是较 为理想的。 这里我们仅举了一些运用 MATLAB 的例子,这些都是在数学建模中时常遇到的问题,希望能抛砖引玉,帮助同学们在数学建模中方便、快捷的使用MATLAB,并善用这一工具。

English Description:

MATLAB has a large number of commonly used mathematical functions and toolboxes, basically including the commonly used functions in the fields of mathematics, physics and engineering applications. If you can master it skillfully, it is far lower than FORTRAN, C and other high-level languages in terms of programming time and program quantity, especially in dealing with matrix and vector calculation. In the mathematical modeling competition, we only have three to four days, and the evaluation of the paper not only pays attention to the calculation results, but also pays more attention to the creativity of the model. It is not worth spending a lot of time on writing and debugging programs in the competition. At this time, using matlab can facilitate calculation and save time to a great extent, It makes us focus more on the improvement of the model, so it is ideal. Here we only give some examples of using MATLAB. These are the problems often encountered in mathematical modeling. We hope to throw a brick and attract jade to help students use matlab conveniently and quickly in mathematical modeling and make good use of this tool
