
Microphone array generalized sidelobe cancellation algorithm (GSC) - source code

麦克风阵列 语音增强 GSC算法 广义旁瓣抵消 自适应噪声 ANC VAD算法 语音活动检测

关注次数: 1088

下载次数: 52

文件大小: 2KB

代码分类: 音频处理

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 3积分




本文档包含在多路麦克风阵列进行语音增强的GSC算法集合,即广泛使用的广义旁瓣抵消结构。包括上通道的波束形成,下通道的阻塞矩阵及自适应噪声抵消部分,增强效果显著。 如有额外需要还可在ANC部分添加VAD算法(语音活动检测)程序,进行更为精确的噪声估计,从而达到更好的消噪效果。程序中有详细的中文注释,只需将语音和噪声文件名称和路径替换即可运行。

English Description:

This document contains the GSC algorithm set for speech enhancement in multi microphone array, namely the widely used generalized sidelobe cancellation structure. It includes the beamforming of the upper channel, the blocking matrix of the lower channel and the adaptive noise cancellation part, and the enhancement effect is remarkable. If there is additional need, VAD algorithm (voice activity detection) program can be added to the ANC part for more accurate noise estimation, so as to achieve better denoising effect. There are detailed Chinese Notes in the program, just replace the name and path of voice and noise files

