
MTI - pulse Doppler, CFAR (constant false alarm rate) of MTD results

range-cfar MTI-脉冲多普勒 MTD-CFAR 恒虚警-多普勒 采样率-脉宽

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代码分类: 仿真计算

开发平台: matlab

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统一设定带宽、脉宽、采样率、脉冲重复频率,用Matab产生16个脉冲的LFM,每个脉冲有4个目标(低速,静止,高速,低速),第3个目标的距离、速度与学号有关。前3个目标的幅度相同,第四个目标幅度是前三个的一半。且距离与第2个静止目标相同。 依次做如下处理: 1 脉压 2 脉压后,相邻2脉冲做MTI(即相邻2个脉冲对应相减),产生15个脉冲 3 脉压后,16个脉冲到齐后,做MTD,输出16个多普勒通道 4 对MTD结果做CFAR(恒虚警)。

English Description:

The bandwidth, pulse width, sampling rate and pulse repetition rate are set uniformly. The LFM of 16 pulses is generated by MATLAB. Each pulse has four targets (low speed, static, high speed and low speed). The distance and speed of the third target are related to the student number. The range of the first three targets is the same, and the range of the fourth target is half that of the first three. And the distance is the same as the second stationary target.
