
Multi population genetic algorithm

matlab multi-objective 多种群算法 bush589 lovef5t

关注次数: 401

下载次数: 1

文件大小: 1KB

代码分类: 智能算法

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 1积分





English Description:

The standard genetic algorithm sometimes appears immature convergence problem, especially in solving multi-objective optimization problems. Genetic algorithm has immature convergence problem, especially in solving multi-objective optimization problems. Therefore, some scholars have proposed a multi population genetic algorithm. In this algorithm, multiple populations use the same objective function, the crossover rate and mutation rate of each population take different fixed values to search the optimal solution in different solution spaces, and the information exchange between populations is carried out regularly. Multi population genetic algorithm can alleviate the immature convergence problem of genetic algorithm to a certain extent.


Multi-population genetic algorithm

Multi-population genetic algorithm\源程序

Multi-population genetic algorithm\源程序\GA_demo.m

Multi-population genetic algorithm\源程序\GA_demo_run.m