power flow我要分享

power flow


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开发平台: matlab

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English Description:

of ELD is to minimize the fuel cost while satisfying the load demand with transdon mnstrahts. The classical lambda iteration method har bcen uscd to solve the ELD problem. This mcthod has uscd equal incranent cwt crittrion for systems without bansmission losses and penalty factors using B, matrix for considering the lo-. Othn methods sucb as gradient, newton, linear programming and interior point have also ken applied to solve the ELD problem [124]. Traditionally, t h d units arc using a single fuel and hence the ELD of such generating units have a single cost function. In practical environment, thermal units are using multiple fuels like coal, natural gas and oil. The multiple fuel options lead the objective function of the ELD to piecewise quadratic cost functions [74]. Hopfield neutral networks a~ uscd to solve the ELD problem with p i d s e quadratic functions [68,89]. Jayabarathi a al. have presented the applica
