
Echo cancellation AEC

matlab AEC 消除 回声

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文件大小: 2.13 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:一种计算复杂度低的双端通话检测算法。在Benesty提出的方法上改进。减小算法复杂度缺点分析: 在自适应回波抵消中常用的双端对讲检测技术是互相关检测技术。这种算法存在一个问题,就是在某些时刻, 比如在近端干扰信号结束的时刻, 干扰信号的能量陡然下降为零,由于算法中采用了遗忘因子,信号的能量估计是缓慢减小的,因此造成检测结果的延迟。

English Description:

A low computational complexity of double talk detection algorithm. Benesty method improvement. Reduce the disadvantage analysis of computational complexity:Adaptive echo cancellation in double talk detection technology is commonly used in cross-correlation detection technology. One problem with this method, that is, at some point, such as in the near-end signal the end times, signal energy plummeted to zero, because the algorithm used in the forgotten factor, slow signal energy is estimated to be reduced, thus causing delays in test results.
