FCM 算法用于图像分割我要分享

FCM algorithm for image segmentation

matlab 分割 算法 图像 fcm 用于

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文件大小: 22.68 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

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English Description:

To segment the image region using fuzzy c-means algorithm...The FCM algorithm assigns pixels to each category byusing fuzzy memberships. Let XZ(x1, x2,.,xN) denotes an image with N pixels to be partitioned into c clusters, wherexi represents multispectral (features) data. Starting with an initial guess for each cluster center, the FCM converges to a solution for vi representing the localminimum or a saddle point of the cost function. Convergence can be detected by comparing the changes in the membership function or the cluster center at twosuccessive iteration steps.One of the important characteristics of an image is that neighboring pixels are highly correlated. In other words,these neighboring pixels possess similar feature values. The clustering is a two-pass process at each iteration. Thefirst pass is the same as that in standard FCM to calculate the membership function in the spectral domain. In the second
