基本 CELP 算法我要分享

Basic CELP Algorithm

matlab 算法 基本 CELP

关注次数: 377

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文件大小: 131.67 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分



中文说明:语音编码一直是研究信号处理的公共区域,是数字通信的基本要素。众多的语音编码技术已经深入研究和开发。其中之一是在CELP语音编码器。 CELP编码器是一个帧取向编码器和基于线性预测编码的概念。基本CELP的MATLAB代码这里提供的。在这里,在这段代码中,随机码本的使用和提供必要的细节。

English Description:

Speech coding has been a common area of research in signal processing and is a fundamental element of digital communications. Numerous speech coding techniques have been thoroughly researched and developed. One of them is the CELP speech coder. CELP coder is a frame oriented coder and is based on the concept of Linear Prediction Coding. A matlab code of Basic CELP is provided here. Here, in this code, Stochastic code-book is used and provided with necessary details.
