
Multiple Object Tracking in Video

matlab 视频 跟踪 目标

关注次数: 336

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文件大小: 8.68 MB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分



中文说明:监视系统对于增强人身安全 的作用越来越重要。我们的目标是开发智能的实时监控系统,可以提供系统的效率。 为了能够覆盖角度的范围,需要安装更多 的摄像头,这就导致需要同时监控多个视频,这就需要自动完成系统。摄像头的放置是要求相互覆盖的。 这可以帮助我们确立摄像头之间的联系, 在发现可疑情况时, 如不明物体出现,监控系统捕捉物体的移动并提供跟踪信息。

English Description:

Surveillance systemshave gained increased importance in order to increase the safety and securityof people. These systems have applications in various domains like home or banksecurity, traffic monitoring, defense; and in public places like railwaystations, malls, airports, etc. Our goal is to develop an intelligent real-timesurveillance system that can help in increasing the efficiency of the system.In order to cover a large area, we need to install more number of cameras thatleads to more number of videos that are to be monitored simultaneously. This inturn increases human intervention and makes it error prone. Therefore, it is ofutmost importance to automate the complete system. The cameras are placed insuch a way that there is a significant overlap between the field of view of thecameras. This helps in establishing an association between the cameras. Thereal time surveillance system detects and tracks the objects in motion and providesautomatic warning in case of suspicious activit
