
Image enhancement algorithm

matlab 算法 图像 增强

关注次数: 324

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文件大小: 625.33 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分



中文说明:应用背景相机在照度较低的环境中拍摄,获得的图像较暗,该算法利用图像局部的信息以及全局光照对图像进行增强,获得的增强效果较好。算法易于用硬件实现。关键技术利用了space variance lumminance map(SVLM)算法的多尺度高斯平均获得图像的局部信息,实现亮度增强。同时利用图像的全局统计信息做直方图均衡化,拉伸灰度动态范围,提高对图像灰度级的利用率。

English Description:

Application backgroundThe camera is shot in the lower illumination environment, and the image is darker. The algorithm uses the local information and the global illumination to enhance the image. The algorithm is easy to implement with hardware.Key TechnologyVariance lumminance map space (SVLM) algorithm is used to obtain the local information of the image of the multi - scale Gauss, and realize the brightness enhancement. At the same time, using the global statistical information of the image to do the histogram equalization, the dynamic range of tensile gray level, improve the utilization rate of the gray level of the image.
