
MIMO-SAR far field simulation

matlab 仿真

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开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:应用背景合成孔径雷达( SAR) 是一种高分辨率成像雷达,可以在能见度极低的气象条件下得到类似光学照相的高分辨雷达图像。利用雷达与目标的相对运动把尺寸较小的真实天线孔径用数据处理的方法合成一较大的等效天线孔径的雷达,也称综合孔径雷达。合成孔径雷达的特点是分辨率高,能全天候工作,能有效地识别伪装和穿透掩盖物。所得到的高方位分辨力相当于一个大孔径天线所能提供的方位分辨力。合成孔径雷达的首次使用是在20世纪50 年代后期,装载在RB-47A和RB-57D 战略侦察飞机上。经过近60 年的发展,合成孔径雷达技术已经比较成熟,各国都建立了自己的合成孔径雷达发展计划,各种新型体制合成孔径雷达应运而生,在民用与军用领域发挥重要作用。关键技术飞机沿x轴飞行,阵列布置在机翼上,按照模式一:单阵元,然后多阵元叠加,运动单点,在坐标系中心,多次快拍结果,为正侧视,目标起始X=0,即飞机阵列为中心点,阵列在x轴上,飞机阵列为9m,合成孔径长度为500m,合成阵列为500+10,由于Lc>1.2*sqrt(lamuda*R0)%22.754,合成阵列为远场,但飞机阵列为远场,当距离分辨率为1m时,距离徙动Rq=lamuda^2*Rmin/32=0.1,远小于距离分辨率,不用作包络移动补偿。距离徙动差delta_Rq=lamuda^2*Rmin/32,每个阵列先进行基带转换,固定目标现在可以使用

English Description:

Application backgroundSynthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a kind of high resolution imaging radar, which can be obtained from the high resolution radar images with similar optical camera under the condition of low visibility. Radar and target are used to synthesize a large antenna aperture radar, also known as synthetic aperture radar, by means of a data processing method. Synthetic aperture radar is characterized by high resolution, all-weather work, can effectively identify the camouflage and penetrate the cover. The obtained high azimuth resolution is equivalent to the azimuth resolution provided by a large aperture antenna. The first use of synthetic aperture radar is in the late 1950s, loading on the RB-47A and RB-57D strategic reconnaissance aircraft. After nearly 60 years of development, synthetic aperture radar technology has been more mature, each country has established its own synthetic aperture radar development plan, all kinds of new type of synthetic ap
