
Rain flow counting method

关注次数: 316

下载次数: 2

文件大小: 38.96 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分



中文说明: The rainflow cycle counting algorithm is widely used while fatigue life assessment of machine components or structures under non-constant amplitude loading. Usually, the algorithm extract cycles from load, stress or strain history obtained from measurement or simulation. As a results of the counting several cycles and half-cycles with different amplitude and mean value are obtained. With the advantage of fatigue damage accumulation hypothesis, like Miners rule, the algorithm gives possibility to compute the expected fatigue life under random loading conditions. Theoretically, of course ;-) The small toolbox RAINFLOW includes rainflow cycle counting algorithm prepared for using in the MATLAB® environment. The main function has been translated from Tu

English Description:

The rainflow cycle counting algorithm is widely used while fatigue life assessment of machine components or structures under non-constant amplitude loading. Usually, the algorithm extract cycles from load, stress or strain history obtained from measurement or simulation. As a results of the counting several cycles and half-cycles with different amplitude and mean value are obtained. With the advantage of fatigue damage accumulation hypothesis, like Miners rule, the algorithm gives possibility to compute the expected fatigue life under random loading conditions. Theoretically, of course ;-)

