
Pedestrian evacuation simulation

c 仿真 行人 疏散

关注次数: 390

下载次数: 4

文件大小: 69.45 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分



中文说明:应用背景已经对障碍物和出口作了修改,疏散情况良好,可以下载学下,用到的是MATLAB仿真,xingrenshusan.m为主程序,其他文件Dststspread.m火灾源传染,PopSn.m疏散,renyuanshusan.fig GUI,ShuSanDieDai.m疏散迭代方法为调用函数关键技术对出口设置增加了两个,可以在程序中做修改增加更多的出口,同时在代码中对每一行代码进行注释,方便刚接触该代码对该代码陌生的学者,障碍物可以根据实际坐标对其进行调整,以达到自己想要的疏散环境

English Description:

Application backgroundHas the obstacles and export modify evacuation is in good condition, can download to learn and use is matlab simulation, xingrenshusan.m main program and other documents Dststspread.m fire hazards in the infectious and evacuation PopSn.m, GUI renyuanshusan.fig, ShuSanDieDai.m evacuation iteration method is a function callKey TechnologyAn increase of two export settings, you can make changes in the program to increase exports, at the same time in the code for each line of code to comment, easy to contact the code of the code to the strange scholars, obstacles can be adjusted according to the actual coordinates of its own, in order to achieve the desired evacuation environment
