光伏阵列与 MPP 跟踪 & 升压型 DC-DC 变换器的建模我要分享

Modelling of PV Array with MPP Tracking & Boost DC

跟踪 光伏 建模 阵列 变换器 DCDC 升压 MPP

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文件大小: 475.21 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:在任何太阳能电站的光伏阵列输出由于太阳辐照度和其他条件的变化而变化。因此,最大功率点跟踪算法实现直流-直流转换器,使光伏阵列最大功率点操作。与最大功率点跟踪 (MPPT) 升压变换器,介绍了光伏阵列的平均的模型。该模型由光伏模块和最大功率点跟踪升压 DC-DC 变换器组成。采用电导增量算法控制升压转换器。瞬时报告系统的稳定性和效率被刺激下的正常变化的太阳辐照度或在任何情况下,通过 MATLAB 仿真。关键词 ︰ 最大功率点跟踪 (MPPT) 升压转换器;太阳能电池模型;与网格和光伏阵列连接的太阳能电池平均模型,;切换模式升压 DC-DC 变换器;分布式发电 (DG),增量电导 (IC) 算法;集中太阳能 Plant(CSP)。

English Description:

In any solar plant output of PV arrays varies due to change of solar irradiance and other conditions. Therefore, the maximum power point tracking algorithm is implemented in DC-DC converter to enable PV arrays to operate at maximum power point. This paper presents the averaged model for PV array with Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) boost converter. This model consists of PV module and MPPT boost DC-DC converter. The incremental conductance algorithm is employed to control the boost converter. Instantaneous report of system stability & efficiency is stimulated under the normal variation of solar irradiance or in any condition through MATLAB simulation. Keywords: Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) Boost converter ; Solar cell model ; Solar cell connected with Grid & PV array averaged Model,; Switched-mode Boost DC-DC converter; Distributed Generation (DG), Incremental Conductance (IC) algorithm; Concentrating Solar Plant(CSP).
