
Sparse Poisson image reconstruction algorithm

matlab 算法 图像 稀疏 重构 泊松

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开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:资源描述 The Sparse Poisson Intensity Reconstruction ALgrotihms (SPIRAL) toolbox, SPIRALTAP.m, is MATLAB code for recovering sparse signals from Poisson observations. SPIRAL minimizes a regularized negative log-likelihood  objective function with various penalty choices for the regularization terms:     - Sparsity (l1 norm) of the coefficients in an orthonormal basis,     - Total variation seminorm of the image,     - Penalty based on Recursive Dyadic Partitions (RDPs), and     - Penalty based on translationally-invariant (cycle-spun) RDPs. For more details, see Zachary T. Harmany, Roummel F. Marcia, Rebecca M. Willett, "This is SPIRAL-TAP: Sparse Poisson Intensity Reconstruction Algorithms -- Theory and Practice," Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. A preprint of this article is available on arXiv.org:

English Description:

Application backgroundSparse Poisson Intensity Reconstruction ALgrotihms The (SPIRAL) toolbox,Is, MATLAB code for recovering sparse signals from Poisson SPIRALTAP.mSPIRAL minimizes a regularized negative observations. log-likelihood Function with various penalty objective choices for the regularization terms:    - of (norm L1) the coefficients in an orthonormal basis Sparsity,    - variation seminorm of the image Total,    - based on Recursive Dyadic Partitions Penalty (RDPs), and    - based on translationally-invariant RDPs. (cycle-spun) PenaltyMore details For, seeT. Harmany Roummel, F. Marcia Zachary, M. Willett Rebecca, "is ThisSparse Poisson Intensity Reconstruction Algorithms SPIRAL-TAP: - TheoryPractice and, "to IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. SubmittedPreprint of this article A is available on arXiv.org:Http://arxiv.org/pdf/1005.4274 Http://drz.ac/code/
