MATLAB colorbar 不同子图统一着色我要分享

Colorbar MATLAB uniform coloring of different sub

matlab MATLABcolorbar 不同 统一

关注次数: 494

下载次数: 2

文件大小: 1.36 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分




English Description:

Application backgroundIn doing data analysis, three-dimensional or two-dimensional contour mapping is often used. Attribute data in the same if you want to do a few images are compared, but different in each picture numerical range, then were drawing will be found that the color is saturated, for example, are from red to blue, intermediate gradient, which is not conducive to a few pictures put together to make a comparison, we hope all graphs indicating a legend, then you can use the function.Key TechnologyMATLAB to do three-dimensional pictures, usually we through the colorbar command, add a legend. But if we have two graphs, attributes, different ranges of data, selection of tones of the same, then each figure are from red to blue, in the middle of the gradient, is not conducive to the contrast, the function can solve the problem that different figure, to include all the minimum range as the standard, to color contrast.
