中文说明:这是一个快速指南的电力线信道发生器 implementedIt 基本上是同一发生器与版本 1,但进行一些小的改动,维持或提高,在某些情况下,统计生成渠道的行为。出于这种原因,建议升级到版本 2 的代码。作为发电机核心是迪不同,版本 1 的代码的用户可以获得迪不同信道响应为给定的网络拓扑。尤其是,在版本 1,为渠道随机生成电缆长度统计分布较均匀 (介乎 0.5 及 50 米) ;然而,在版本2,被选中的伽玛分布 (与"形状参数"= 1.5 和"尺度参数"b = 18)。此外,手动生成的默认信道的例子已更改 (请参见第 3.5 节)。
English Description:
This is a quick guide of the power-line channel generator implementedIt is essentially the same generator as in version 1, butsome minor changes have been performed that preserve or improve, in some cases, the statisticalbehavior of the generated channels. For such reason, upgrade to version 2 code is recommended.As the generator core is dierent, users of version 1 code can obtain dierent channel responsesfor a given network topology. In particular, in version 1, for channels random generation, thestatistical distribution of the cables length is uniform (between 0.5 and 50m); whereas, in version2, a Gamma distribution has been selected (with "shape parameter" a=1.5 and "scale parameter"b=18). Also, the examples of default channels for manual generation have been changed (seesection 3.5).