
multimedia Telecommunications

matlab 通信 多媒体

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中文说明:1.找到以下滤池的提升步骤表示:哈尔,DB4,cdf3.1;2.编写相应的多相matricesP(z^-1)和P(Z);3.显示相应的分析和综合滤池;4.对于所有的考虑滤池进行DWT上的图像einstein.jpg,mandrill.tif,Flowers.003.tif与J =4(4分解级别)使用(i)本经典的执行情况;和(ii)所述提升步骤实施;5.验证(一)两个分解是等价的;(二)完善重建持有这两种情况。6.量子化所有的子带的小波COE cients均匀量化步骤为Q =4重建图像,并显示结果。7.对于滤波器cdf3.1:(a)交换的分析和综合滤池和在执行该分解图像einsten。不同于先前产生的子带双erent获得?为什么呢?(b)与量化量子化的所有子带的小波COE cients均匀地步骤Q =4重建图像,并显示结果。就是由此而来交换滤池之前获得从一个图像迪erent?为什么呢?(c)评价在迪erent案件的PSNR。(四)利用提升的整数版本执行相同的图像的DWT步骤实施。不完美的重建持有?举一个证明和评论你的答案。(e)对于该滤波器DB4和图像山魈,量化小波COE - 所有的子频带的均匀量化步骤,从cientsQ =日志2最大值(ABS(CI; j)条/2;...;1为合理和整数滤池对于每一个量化步长计算PSNR并绘制结果

English Description:

1. Find the lifting steps representation of the following lters: haar, db4, cdf3.1;2. Write the corresponding polyphase matricesP (z^-1)and and P (z);3. Display the corresponding analysis and synthesis lters;4. For all the considered lters perform the DWT on the images einstein.jpg,mandrill.tif, Flowers.003.tif with J = 4 (four decomposition levels) using(i) the classical implementation; and (ii) the lifting steps implementation;5. Verify that(a) The two decompositions are equivalent;(b) Perfect reconstruction holds in both cases.6. Quantize the wavelet coe cients of all the subbands uniformly with quantizationstep for Q = 4. Reconstruct the image and display the result.7. For the lter cdf3.1:(a) Exchange the analysis and synthesis lters and perform the decomposition onthe image einsten. Are the resulting subbands di erent from those previouslyobtained? Why?(b) Quantize the wavelet coe cients
