
Simulink simulation model for brushless DC motor

c simulink 仿真 模型 直流电机

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开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:应用背景无刷直流电机的simulink仿真模型,无刷直流电机由电动机主体和驱动器组成,是一种典型的机电一体化产品。 无刷电机是指无电刷和换向器(或集电环)的电机,又称无换向器电机。早在上世纪诞生电机的时候,产生的实用性电机就是无刷形式,即交流鼠笼式异步电动机,这种电动机得到了广泛的应用。但是,异步电动机有许多无法克服的缺陷,以致电机技术发展缓慢。本世纪中叶诞生了晶体管,因而采用晶体管换向电路代替电刷与换向器的直流无刷电机就应运而生了。这种新型无刷电机称为电子换向式直流电机,它克服了第一代无刷电机的缺陷。关键技术Simulink是MATLAB最重要的组件之一,它提供一个动态系统建模、仿真和综合分析的集成环境。在该环境中,无需大量书写程序,而只需要通过简单直观的鼠标操作,就可构造出复杂的系统。Simulink具有适应面广、结构和流程清晰及仿真精细、贴近实际、效率高、灵活等优点,并基于以上优点Simulink已被广泛应用于控制理论和数字信号处理的复杂仿真和设计。同时有大量的第三方软件和硬件可应用于或被要求应用于Simulink。

English Description:

Application backgroundBrushless DC motor Simulink simulation model, brushless DC motor by the motor body and the driver is a typical mechatronics products. Is a brushless motor without brush and commutator (or collector) of the motor, also called commutatorless motor. As early as in the last century, the generator motor is the brushless form, that is AC squirrel cage induction motor, this motor has been widely used. However, there are many defects in the asynchronous motor, so that the development of motor technology is slow.. By the middle of this century gave birth to the transistor and the transistor switching circuit to replace the electric brush and the commutator of the DC brushless motor came into being. This new brushless motor is called the electronic commutation type DC motor, which overcomes the defect of the first brushless motor.Key TechnologySimulink is one of the most important components of MATLAB, and it provides a integrated
