STEINER 树的路由我要分享


matlab Steiner 路由

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文件大小: 141.79 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分



中文说明:直线 Steiner 树问题可以陈述为,给出了n在平面上的点,它是需要互连它们所有的最短网络组成只的水平和垂直线段。它可以显示这种网络是一棵树,其顶点是输入的点,施泰纳指出。叫侬点有限点集的已被识别。在 Steiner 树问题的欧几里得距离被替换为的直线距离。通过连接的施泰纳点与最近的点 (北、 东、 南、 西) 的 4 个区域构造的生成树。如果连接形成一个循环,然后应确定周期,最大段应予删除。通过引入施泰纳点我们可以得到的最小长度 Steiner 树

English Description:

The Rectilinear Steiner tree problem can be stated as, given n points in the plane, it is required to interconnect them all by a shortest network which consists only of vertical and horizontal line segments. It can be shown that such a network is a tree whose vertices are the input points and Steiner points. Set of finite points called Hannon Points has to be identified. In Steiner tree problem the Euclidean distance is replaced with the rectilinear distance.  The spanning tree is constructed by connecting the Steiner point with closest points in the four regions(North, East, south, West).If the connection forms a cycle, then cycle should be identified and largest segment should be removed. By introducing  Steiner points we can get the minimum length Steiner tree
