
Constrained forecasting

matlab 预测 约束

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文件大小: 251.17 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:应用背景对输出变量、输入变量的约束在实际工业生产过程中普遍存在。由于存在干扰、不同约束条件之间互相矛盾等种种 原因造成约束条件无法同时满足,出现寻找不到可行解以及全局最优解的情况,给实际生产带来负面的影响。从多面体极点角度分析约束预测控制的可行性,以及不可行时基于线性规划方法的在线软约束调整,提出在每一步滚动优化前加入可行性分析及合理软约束调整的滚动算法,从而使整个控制过程均满足控制算法要求的约束条件形式。关键技术提出了从多面体极点的角度分析约束预测控制的可行性。采用在约束预测控制的每一步滚动优化求解前加入可行性分析以及合理的软约束调整的思想,保证整个过渡过程在满足约束条件的同时获得良好的控制性能。通过CSTR 线性模型控制系统的仿真实验,验证在线进行约束预测控制可行性分析和约束处理的可行性和有效性。

English Description:

Application backgroundThe constraints on the output variables and input variables are common in the actual industrial production process. Due to the existence of interference, the contradiction between different constraints, and so on.The constraints can not satisfy the constraint conditions, which can not find the feasible solution and the global optimal solution. The feasibility of constrained predictive control is analyzed from the point of view of the polyhedral poles, and the on-line soft constraint adjustment based on linear programming method is proposed. The feasibility analysis and reasonable soft constraint adjustment are proposed.Key TechnologyThe feasibility of the constraint predictive control is proposed from the perspective of the polyhedral poles. The feasibility analysis and the reasonable adjustment of soft constraints are used to ensure the whole transition process in order to achieve good control performance. Through the si
